Nine of Cups Tarot Card Meanings

The Nine of Cups is often called the wish card. When this card appears in a reading you know your wish will come true. The Nine of Cups most often indicates a wish that’s materialistic – material success, physical comforts, that sort of thing. You’ll be satisfied with the outcome. Your material needs will be taken care of. There’s a real sense that you’ll enjoy material prosperity when this card appears in a reading.

Eight of Cups Tarot Card Meanings

A difficult choice has been made to leave something behind and move on. I say ‘something’ because the neatly stacked cups in this card can represent many things; all of which have brought you joy and happiness and continue to do so. You’ve invested time and effort into these things, and nurtured and cared for them, but the outcome wasn’t quite what you expected it would be. While they bring you joy, you’re not fulfilled – particularly on a spiritual and emotional level.