Eight of Swords Tarot Card Meanings

At the more extreme end of the scale, this is you literally being controlled and restricted by someone in your life or by your circumstances. This is deeply disturbing to live through and can happen to anyone, no matter their position, rank, or role and no matter how strong and independent they appear to others. It feels as though help is very far away and that no-one is even aware of your plight. However (and this is a very point to remember), this situation is temporary, and things aren’t quite as desperate as they seem to you right now. You need to change your perspective so that you can see and find solutions to your problems. If you can remain calm and focused for a short time, you’ll begin to see things more clearly.

Seven of Swords Tarot Card Meanings

Are you taking something that isn’t yours to take? Or perhaps someone is taking something from you? Deceitful behaviour and trickery surround you when the Seven of Swords appears in a reading. There’s a feeling from the card that this deceit isn’t terribly serious, however. There’s a certain sense of light-heartedness here, but nonetheless you’re trying to get away with something that you know you ought not to do. Or perhaps you’re the victim of this behaviour, in which case you need to stay alert and observe closely what’s happening around you.