Ways To Celebrate Mabon

Mabon is the traditional Harvest Festival in the Northern Hemisphere. This is the second harvest, when we give thanks, celebrate the bounty of summer and when we prepare to enter the depths of autumn and winter. It’s about gathering our resources around us and getting cosy until spring. Like most witches, autumn is my favourite season. We can feel Samhain’s approach and the thinning of the veil between worlds. Autumn reminds many of us to get back to basics. I tend to gather more ingredients and cast more spells at this time of year. This is also when I ground myself more firmly in Mother Earth and give thanks for her bounty.

Five of Cups Tarot Card Meanings

Something hasn’t turned out like you expected it would and now you’re mourning the loss of that path. There may also be feelings of regret when the Five of Cups appears. Getting lost in regret is incredibly self-destructive. Feeling sorry and making amends will help you on the path to healing, but wallowing in regret won’t help anyone. Eventually you’ll need to pick up the pieces and move on.

Four of Cups Tarot Card Meanings

You’re taking a time-out when the Four of Cups appears in a Tarot reading. You’re unhappy with your situation. You thought things would be different and now you’re dissatisfied with how they’ve worked out. There has been success (as represented by the three cups before the man), but it hasn’t made you happy, even though you probably thought it would. You may also be bored with your situation. Nothing has gone wrong for you really, but you’re fed up with the humdrum of your life at the moment. You’ve lost your enthusiasm.