
Hello, I’m Michelle Koziol.

My love of Tarot began when I was 18. I had gone to France to work for a few months after leaving school. The friends I made while working there taught me to play the game of tarot with a traditional deck. We would play most evenings and I was hooked. When I came home to Ireland a few months later, I bought a Tarot de Marseille deck, which I still use occasionally. I later bought an RWS deck and that’s still the I use for readings.

That was over 25 years ago! I’ve since gotten an MA in Spanish, and another in Archaeology. I’m still living in Ireland with my 3 young children and my husband. I work in a government department, but I’ve never lost my fascination for Tarot. I read the cards to help clients see their way more clearly as they deal with the challenges and journey through life.

These days I also read astrology. I’ve been reading charts for clients for the past 5 years and I find that it really helps them to understand themselves in a deeper and more fundamental way. It’s like, reading a birth/natal chart switches on lightbulbs. I love that!

A tarot or astrology reading from me is absolutely confidential. The insights and clarity I give you will help you to move forward armed with the knowledge of where you came from, where you’re going and what your purpose is in this life.