Four of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings

Pamela Colman Smith, 1909

Four of Pentacles Keywords: Frugality, Miserliness, Money Insecurities

Four of Pentacles Tarot Card Description

A wealthy man, dressed in red robes and a black cloak, sits with his arms wrapped around a golden pentacle. There are two more pentacles under his feet and one balanced on top of his head. He wears a coronet, which indicates that he is likely a member of the nobility. Behind him we see a sprawling cityscape. The strong colours of the man’s clothing, and the bright golden pentacles, are a stark contrast to the grey sky in the background and the grey ground underfoot.

What the Four of Pentacles Means in a Tarot Reading

Often called the Miser Card, the figure depicted on the Four of Pentacles may represent you during a time when you have a rather miserly attitude towards money and resources. You’re clinging tightly to what you have and unwilling to share. This is despite the fact that you have more than you need – we can see this from the man’s clothing and coronet. Most readers interpret that the Four of Pentacles is giving advice, and the advice here is that your miserly attitude is unnecessary. You have enough resources that you can afford to be generous, or to at least relax your grip on your assets. Your attitudes are holding you back and stifling your growth. There’s too much emphasis on the material and your spirit is suffering as a result. There also appears to be a lack of trust. You’re wary of everyone, but the card is telling you that your fears are unfounded. You won’t lose anything by being more open.

A meaning I’ve frequently found in my own readings is that the Four of Pentacles appears when money is on your mind, like the coin that is literally balanced on the man’s head. When you’re worried about money, when you’re afraid that your funds are running out, when you’re worried about the future. Whatever your money worry is, the appearance of this card confirms your worry, but also tells you that your worry and anxiety are unnecessary. There’s no need for you to worry so much about money and finances. You’re going to be alright. The man on the RWS card has more than he needs. He has built up his assets, and his future is secure. Worrying about money isn’t serving any purpose for you right now.

Oftentimes this excessive worry and anxiety over money and resources is linked to a scarcity mindset. Someone that has grown up in financially difficult circumstances, or who has had a major financial setback in their lives, can develop severe insecurities over money. This can lead them to hold tightly to whatever they have for fear of losing it again. I’ve seen this firsthand with someone very close to me, for whom the Four of Pentacles appears frequently. This person grew up in uncertain and difficult circumstances where money was very tight. The result is that, as an adult and in his long-term relationships, he is excessively worried about money, afraid to spend what he has and holding on tightly for fear of having nothing once again. This causes fighting and arguing in his relationships, so when the Four of Pentacles appears it’s a reminder that he has been focusing excessively on money and that it’s ok to loosen his grip and relax a little. Every now and again he needs a reminder that he’s financially secure now, and the Four of Pentacles is that reminder.

Another message this card can bring is that you’re placing too much value on your accomplishments and achievements. You believe that what you have accomplished defines who you are. You’re linking your accomplishments, and the possessions you’ve gathered around you, to your sense of self-worth. You believe that these possessions and achievements give you value in the eyes of others. This isn’t true of course. At the end of the day, when you look back on your life, your possessions and what you’ve accomplished won’t be on your mind. No-one else will consider these when they look back on your life either. They just won’t matter. Now is a good time to reflect on the truth of this.

Benebell Wen has interpreted the figure in the Four of Pentacles as ‘one tapped to hold a great deal of earthly or worldly power.’[1] This may be the case in your reading and is certainly worth considering as an outcome.

Note the position of the pentacles on the RWS deck. One is balanced on the man’s coronet. This is symbolic of money being on your mind. You may be worried about your finances or suffer anxiety over your financial security. The man has another pentacle clasped in front of his chest. He’s not going to let this one go. He seems to be holding it protectively in front of him, as if it can perhaps protect him from the outside world. Two more pentacles are under his feet and are symbolic of him walking ‘the path of avarice’.[2]

Four of Pentacles Love and Relationships Tarot Meanings

Have you been hurt in the past and now you’re protecting and shielding yourself? Something has caused you to raise your defences. The pentacle clasped in front of your heart is preventing you from loving others fully and wholeheartedly, but it’s also preventing others from accessing and loving you fully. You believe that protecting yourself like this allows you to feel protected and safe. The irony is that, without allowing yourself to love and to be loved unconditionally, you’ll never experience what it is to feel the true and pure security and safety of a loving and committed relationship.

Whatever the root cause it seems that you’re reluctant to open your heart fully to others. You hold back and keep a tight rein on your emotions. Sometimes it’s sensible not to be too open, especially with people you’ve just met, but this isn’t going to work if you’re serious about developing a meaningful and lasting relationship with someone. You need to take some time to reevaluate your approach to relationships (this may even apply to a relationship you’re already in). Maybe it’s time now for you to loosen your grip and allow someone to fully connect with you.

There’s also a possibility that money, money worries, and fears of financial insecurity are looming large in your relationship. Perhaps you, your partner, or both of you, are consumed with thoughts about your finances and this is affecting your relationship with each other. Anyone who has ever been in a relationship with someone is likely to have experienced similar problems at some stage. Money and finances are one of the main causes of friction in any relationship and there are too many examples of how this can play out for me to go into any detail here. However, a key message when the Four of Pentacles turns up in this kind of reading is that there’s really nothing to worry about. Money isn’t actually tight. You have the resources you need. It’s your attitude to money that’s the problem. Give this some thought. Reflect on the truth of it. Then consider what you can do to improve your relationship.

Four of Pentacles Career Tarot Meanings

It’s likely that you’re not as helpful as you could be in the workplace. You know your role. You’ve perfected it over many years, and you’re not inclined to share your experience and knowledge with others. This helps you to feel secure, but it isn’t fulfilling and you’re likely to experience isolation and lack any real connections as a result. Seeing the Four of Pentacles can be a nudge to be more open in the workplace. You’ll lose nothing by sharing your knowledge and skills, but you’ll gain a sense of connection and belonging that will likely make your workplace a more enjoyable place for you.

The Four of Pentacles can also point to instances of micro-managing in the workplace. If you’re the type who doesn’t like to let go of control, then you may be inclined to micro-manage your colleagues. This is counterproductive in the long run and is likely to cause resentment and low morale. If you think you might be guilty of this, then you really should consider how you might work on improving the situation. The Four of Pentacles is a definite indication that you don’t need to exert this level of control. Everything is alright and it’s ok to let go. You can loosen your grip on the situation without any fear of a negative outcome.

If you’re looking for a job, then the Four of Pentacles may be indicating that a more positive attitude would help push you forward. Fear of change, insecurity, and financial worries might be holding you back from pursuing what you really want in life. There’s no need to make drastic changes and commitments immediately, but the Four of Pentacles invites you to recognize your own role in holding yourself back. Reflect and meditate on this. You’ll probably find that there are small changes you can make and incremental steps you can take, that will lead you to where you want to be.

[1] Wen, Benebell, Book of Maps: Reference Manual for the Spirit Keeper’s Tarot. The Revelation Edition (2021), 410.

[2] Wen, Benebell, Holistic Tarot: An Integrative Approach to Using Tarot for Personal Growth (North Atlantic Books, Berkeley, California, 2015), 217.

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