Queen of Swords Tarot Card Meanings

Pamela Colman Smith, 1909

Queen of Swords Keywords: Independent, Direct, Fair, Honest

Queen of Swords Tarot Card Description

We see a side-profile of this queen as she sits on an ornately carved throne. She wears a crown of golden butterflies and a cloak with a cloudy sky design. She holds a sword upright in her right hand and her left is extended outwards. She has a determined look on her face. Clouds are gathering in the background, however, the Queen is in the clear air above the clouds.

What the Queen of Swords Means in a Tarot Reading

Interpreting court cards (Kings, Queens, Knights, and Pages) can sometimes be challenging in a reading. Quite often though, the court card represents you. It might be giving you information on the energy, personality traits, and outlook you need to bring to the situation you’re reading about. Or the court card may simply represent you as others see you, or you as you are at your core. This interpretation will vary from reading to reading and at different times in your life you’ll find yourself taking on the traits of different court cards.

Traditionally the Queen of Swords has been interpreted as someone who is perhaps widowed and who may also be childless. This may or may not be the case, but it’s indicative of the independent nature of this queen. This is someone who is self-reliant and self-sufficient.

This Queen is intelligent, witty, honest, and direct. She speaks frankly. You can rely on her to tell you the truth even when it’s unpleasant or difficult to hear. She sees through lies and deception and insists on being told the truth always.

The Queen of Swords makes fair and impartial judgements of people and events in her life. She will see the truth of a situation and is unbiased in her opinions.

The butterflies on the Queen’s crown and throne symbolize the metamorphosis she has gone through to become the person she is today. Her life hasn’t been easy. She has known sorrow, pain, tragedy, and loss, and through these experiences she has gained insight and wisdom.

The Queen of Swords can sometimes come across as severe and intimidating. She can seem aloof, and it can be hard to get to know her. You may find that you need to adopt this persona sometimes, even if it’s not normally your nature. There will be times when you need to stand firm in your convictions, when you must do what is right regardless of what others think. At times like this you might be seen as severe, or standoffish by others, but you’ll remain strong and focused nonetheless.

As Swords are Air-dominant, the Queen of Swords will often signify someone with strong Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius energy. This Air-dominant nature enhances the Queen’s intellect, logic, rationalism, and reason. She’s decisive, independent, and articulate. She can and will stand up for herself and others.

Queen of Swords Love and Relationships Tarot Meaning

In a reading about love and relationships, it’s possible that the Queen of Swords represents either you, your partner/potential partner, or both of you. While integrity, honesty, and fairness are desirable traits in every relationship, other traits associated with the Queen of Swords can be challenging. If you’re too severe and unyielding, or too aloof and standoffish, you might find that your partner or potential partner finds it difficult to form a close bond with you.

Perhaps you’ve had a fight with your partner, or you’re having problems in your relationship at the moment, and the Queen of Swords comes up in a reading. Are you too unyielding in this situation? You might be sure that you’re right, but is there perhaps some way that you can soften your approach to your partner? Maybe you can concede that they also have a point to make?  

Some readers emphasize the fact that the Queen of Swords is traditionally associated with widowhood, separation, divorce, or being alone. This Queen can certainly be interpreted in this way in some relationship readings, but it’s by no means a given that the Queen of Swords means the end of a relationship, or that no relationship is likely to develop. I’ve found that this card is far more likely to represent traits and characteristics you or your partner/potential partner are adopting at this time. Sure, these character traits can make intimacy and closeness more difficult, but it’s entirely natural that we feel this way sometimes. Perhaps you need to maintain a certain distance, so that you can process your emotions and figure out exactly what you want and need in a relationship. This doesn’t mean that you’ll always stand back. When the time is right, and you feel secure and safe doing so, you’ll embody other facets of your personality. We’re all multi-faceted and embody traits from all the Court Cards in one way or another at different moments and times in our lives.  

Queen of Swords Career Tarot Meaning

In a reading about your career the Queen of Swords is possibly letting you know that her qualities and traits would be beneficial to you at this time. Be independent, impartial, fair, and rational. Make decisions based on the facts in front of you. Try to be objective. Communicate clearly. Don’t be afraid to share your ideas and opinions.

It’s also possible that someone like the Queen of Swords is affecting you somehow in the workplace. There’s no denying that this Queen can be intimidating and can seem aloof and standoffish. It can be hard to get to know her. Remember though that she’s fair in her dealings with others. If you find her hard to talk to, it isn’t because she has anything against you personally, this is simply who she is. She’s a formidable ally if she finds you trustworthy and honest.

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