King of Swords Tarot Card Meanings

Pamela Colman Smith, 1909

King of Swords Keywords: Intellectual, Analytical, Stern, Wise, Leader

King of Swords Tarot Card Description

The King of Swords sits on a high-backed throne decorated with butterflies, waxing and waning crescent moons, and figures reminiscent of the figures in Key 20 Judgement. He sits straight-backed, looking directly at us and holding a slightly tilted, upright sword in his right hand. Overall, the image calls to mind the image of Key 11 Justice. The King wears a golden crown decorated with butterflies and what appears to be an angel, or cherub, similar to the one that appears on the Queen of Swords’ throne. He seems to be wearing a red cowl on his head, and he wears a purple cloak and a sky-blue tunic. The cedar trees and clouds in the background are calm, unlike in the other Swords Court Cards where there is movement and agitation. Two black birds soar high in the sky.

What the King of Swords Means in a Tarot Reading

Interpreting court cards (Kings, Queens, Knights, and Pages) can sometimes be challenging in a reading. Quite often though, the court card represents you. It might be giving you information on the energy, personality traits, and outlook you need to bring to the situation you’re reading about. Or the court card may simply represent you as others see you, or you as you are at your core. This interpretation will vary from reading to reading and at different times in your life you’ll find yourself taking on the traits of different court cards. While we might refer to Court Cards as he or she, they represent all of us regardless of gender.

The King of Swords is a figure of power and authority. This is a leader and wise councillor. He possesses a fine intellect, is knowledgeable and articulate, and can communicate effectively with people around him. He is disciplined, analytical, and rational, preferring to deal with facts and logic. He strives for integrity and honesty in all matters, and he expects the same from others.  If you want unbiased, objective advice, then this King is one of the best people to ask. His advice is honest and sincere. He makes decisions based on fairness and impartiality. He may not always get everything right, but he strives to do what is right and correct.  

The King of Swords lives a disciplined life. He upholds a rigid code of conduct and expects high standards from those around him. His leadership skills are impressive, and people tend to willingly follow his example.

At times this King can be aloof and detached. This detachment from others is only enhanced by his stern demeanour. You do not want to make an enemy of this person, but as a friend they’re a firm and constant ally.

The butterflies on the King’s crown and throne symbolize the metamorphosis he has gone through. Life hasn’t been easy for him. His experiences have awakened and enlightened him. His decisions and judgements come from a place of insight and understanding.

As Swords are Air-dominant, the King of Swords will often signify someone with strong Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius energy.

King of Swords Love and Relationships Tarot Meanings

In a love reading you may be taking on the role of the King of Swords in your relationship. This means being honest with your partner. You are also dependable and assertive. Be careful to stay in touch with your feelings, however. There’s always a danger with this King that at times the head rules at the expense of the heart. This King can also be aloof and standoffish. In a relationship you’ll need to be careful that you’re not unintentionally alienating your partner.

Or perhaps the King represents your partner or potential partner. The above applies to whichever of you the King represents. You can expect intellectual sparring and lots of debate in this relationship. There’ll be a high degree of independence in the relationship. This can be great, but it’s always good to check in to see how both of you are feeling.

There are times when a King of Swords personality runs the risk of becoming domineering or controlling. If you find this is happening to you, you’re being asked to recognize and confront it within yourself. Take time to assess your behaviour in relationships. Are you always so sure that you’re right that you then impose your will or your judgement on others? Ask yourself some hard questions and see if maybe you should work on bringing out other facets of your personality. Likewise, your partner may be exhibiting these traits. Remember, it’s never acceptable to control and dominate, or to be controlled and dominated in any relationship.

King of Swords Career Tarot Meanings  

In a career reading it’s possible that someone like the King is affecting you in the workplace. This person is a strong leader. You admire their capabilities and you’re inspired to work to your highest standard for them. Listen to what this person has to say. Take their advice.

On the other hand, the King of Swords may represent you in a career reading. Strive for the high standards of this King. Provide leadership. Make logical and rational decisions. Issue clear instructions. Be honest in your dealings with others. Expect the best from others. Lead by example.

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