The Sun Tarot Card Meanings

Pamela Coleman Smith, 1909

The Sun Keywords: Glory, Attainment, Success, Happiness, Confidence, Vitality

The Sun Tarot Card Description

A naked child is riding a white horse with open arms and carrying a red banner. The child is exuberant, happy, and free. We’re reminded of The Fool by the wreath of flowers and feather in his or her hair. Like a medieval standard, the large red banner attracts our attention. The child doesn’t need a saddle or bridle to control the horse, which is calm, but in no way subdued. We can see it flicking its tail, head held high, and ears swivelled back as it pays attention to what is happening around it.

Behind the horse and child, we see a walled garden. The four sunflowers represent the four elements and the four suits of the minor arcana. Everything is in place for success. The stone wall shows us that this success is stable and built to last. High in the sky we see a dazzling sun. Its face is serene as it observes all that is to be seen.

What The Sun Means In A Tarot Reading

We all love to see The Sun in a reading. This card radiates joy, warmth, positivity, vitality…..when The Sun appears you know you’re going to feel good. If you’ve been going through a difficult time, The Sun is telling you that things are about to get better. You’ll put the past behind you and move forward with confidence. You’ll know yourself better than you’ve ever done up to this point and you’ll understand where you’re going. You’ll be bursting with the sheer joy of being alive.

The Sun is also a card of glory and success. The red banner attracts our attention and, in the same way, you may also attract attention. It may be that you’ll be eminent in your profession, or that you’ll attract fame and fortune through your work or your creative endeavours. You’ll shine and stand out as a leader in your field. It’s possible that you’ll achieve some level of celebrity.

The Sun is a card of material happiness and achievement. If you’ve been working towards a goal, this card tells you that you’re about to achieve it and it will bring you great happiness.

The Sun sheds light on everything. Unlike with The Moon, where there can be deception and illusion around you, The Sun’s light makes everything clear. Just as the actual sun sees everything that happens on earth as we revolve around it, if The Sun appears in your reading, it indicates that you’ll be enlightened. Things that you weren’t sure of before will be clear to you. You’ll become aware of things that you didn’t know previously. This will also be a time when you experience a surge of vitality and energy. You’ll have the drive to get things done. Use this energy to make progress on your goals.

The Sun Love And Relationships Tarot Meaning

If you’re reading about love and relationships, then The Sun is a great omen. If you’re in a relationship, it will be successful and will bring you great joy and happiness. You and your partner will build each other up and you’ll both have a great zest for life. There will be a positive, dynamic energy surrounding you as a couple.

If you’re reading about a potential new relationship, then all of the above also applies.

Traditionally, The Sun is associated with good marriages.

The Sun Career Tarot Meaning

The Sun is a great card to see in any reading and so it follows that if you’re reading about your career or job situation it brings good news. Whatever situation you’re reading about will be successful and that success will be long-lasting. There’s every chance that you’ll make an outstanding contribution to your field of work. You’ll outshine others.

The Sun is often linked with creativity and high achievement in the arts and sciences. It may be that you’re drawn to a career in these areas. If so, you’ll outshine others in these fields. Your work will be admired and widely known and it’s very possible that it’ll bring you fame and celebrity.

A contributory factor to your success will be the great burst of energy you’ll experience. This will help you advance your career and achieve your goals. You’ll also have the confidence to put yourself out there, knowing that you’re capable of achieving great things.

The Sun Correspondences & Attributions
